Instant messaging with a REAL emoji

Instant messaging has evolved much in the past decade. Today’s instant messengers like WhatsApp lack a real touch of emotion and emotion is something that sets humans apart from other beings by a big disparity. I’m looking at ways to solve this by using a facial mood recognition software which would be built into the instant messenger for categorizing a person’s real mood on the basis of various criteria. Lets say for example, if a person is really happy, he or she would have a slight smile. The software would record this change of facial expression as a happy mood and put a small smiley or some indicator of that sort close to the text message sent out by the person. The receiver would have a better idea of the true state of the sender rather than relying on happy phrases or emojis. Someone who LOL’s isn’t always laughing, let us be honest about this! Trying to perfect a facial expression based mood recognition software is going to take some serious time and work. I have not started working on developing a software of any sort but rather put forward a hypothetical idea of what I intend to do. I would welcome collaboration from software developers or scientists. I greatly value your views! Tell me if I could further improve this.

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